Gemini Man
‘You can tell me now or you can tell me in five minutes without all your teeth' - Dani Zakarweski
After Henry Brogan (Will Smith) completes his
last job as a hitman and plans to retire, his own agency tries to kill him,
sending his clone to fulfil the hit.
Across the film there was an overuse of close up
shots where a two shot would have suited. The focus on characters faces exposes
the lack of intensity behind their action along with making it difficult to see
the connection between characters.
Another thing hard to look at was the clone of
Henry. Done by de-aging Will Smith, Junior looks as if the face is a clean-shaven
Will Smith was morphed to appear younger, looking nothing like Smith during did
when recording The Fresh Prince of Bel Air when he was 22. Potentially
done with another actor who wasn’t so recognisable in his youth, this wouldn’t
be a problem, but Smith has been well known for decades.
the eerie appearance of Junior does add suspense to the film as you can imagine
the threat of an entire army that looks the same and operates without a
conscience. For this effect I can see why it was better not to cast a young
actor to play Junior. Surprisingly, as well, there is an innocence to Junior’s
voice, it’s without the edge of the 51-year-old that he was cloned from.
But the fear of such an army is alleviated during
fit scenes between the two as it is very obviously done with special effects and
their fights then lose intensity.
Thankfully though, the fighting between the two
was limited and the action in the film overall was good to watch.
Dani Zakarweski (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) expresses her strong desire to run the
agency that is currently hell bent on killing Henry but consistently shows she’s
not fit for it. Often asking stupid questions such as ‘Has your government every
tried to kill you before?’*, to which the answer should be obvious, as well as
screaming ‘Why are you doing this?’ when Junior tries to kill Henry, despite it
being his literal job and the premise the film is built on.

I believe that exploring Clay’s desire for a
ruthless army could be an interesting plot to watch develop on screen, but that
doesn’t get people to the box office, Will Smith does.
Honestly, despite its flaws Gemini Man is a good
watch. With good amounts of fight scenes and explosions, even a far amount of
comedy from the main cast. It is an enjoyable film. It has failed at the box office during its opening weekend and the
reason why I’m not quite sure as it is an enjoyable film, but I imagine due to
the long career of Will Smith, we are no longer looking for just enjoyable.

*After watching Bourne trilogy, I recognise this to be a completely legitimate question.( 21/07/2020)
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