Me and You
‘She looked like a
zombie. A zombie that has just been shot’ – Lorenzo
Niccolò Ammaniti’s 2010 ‘Me and You’ novel stood out to me in the library
but unfortunately the overall story did not.
Although, Ammaniti’s name is obviously Italian, I initially
didn’t know that the novel was translated from Italian but as I began getting
into the story there were moments in the book where information was presented
very literally, out of tone with the rest of the book, which caused me to
disengage with the novel at times.

Usually, I am a fan of books that are quite short and to the
point, but I do feel more detail about Lorenzo’s family was necessary for me to
empathise with him, though information was given when it became relevant, I
felt no overwhelming care or concern for Lorenzo even at the end especially as
everything seemed so matter of fact, presenting again the negative impact of
the novel being translated. Also, I do have many cultural questions about the
term ‘Silver monkey’ as it I did find it to be racist.
I was quite unimpressed with the ending, as I saw it coming,
and would’ve preferred a plot twist. I do feel however that this can be used by
Ammaniti in the future to create another story that develops Lorenzo’s
character for either better or for worse, but I don't know how much I would want to read that.
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